We’ll be selecting 33 of what we consider to be the best entries to be published in the final pack. Email your design to
Here’s how to create your design:
The front (i.e. ‘image’) side of the postcard is where you’ll use your creativity to give some insight into your life in lockdown. This could be typographical, symbolic, photographic, illustrative–whatever works best for you! It could be an observation you’ve made, the funny side of the situation, or something contemplative on the compassion, kindness, or hope that has come from lockdown.
The reverse (i.e. ‘text’) side of the postcard is a space where you can provide a paragraph or two to reflect on your experiences, and how they link to, or have influenced, your design. Maybe you’ve come to see the world a little differently, maybe you want to share some challenges you’ve overcome; maybe you want to share some of the little things that have to come to mean so much to you over this period. This part is all about your reasons for wanting to make better outcomes, whatever that means to you.
Feel free to add your name & logo, but avoid it looking or feeling like an advertisement.
Your finished file should be supplied as a print-ready PDF, in CMYK, with 3mm bleed, and trim marks. p1 should be the ‘front’, and p2 the ‘back’.
Finally, remember to keep it positive –this project is all about making people feel uplifted. It may be simple, or it may be grand, but make it sincere.
Submissions are due in by Friday the 15th of May. Download the template PDF file here: Check your downloads folder.

The completed Postcard Packs will be shared with the successful submitters, the Design Community and the Contributors that have all worked to make this possible. Submitting your design indicates that you acknowledge that the 33 Reasons Project has the right to use your design in any way it feels appropriate (with due acknowledgement of the submitter), and has the right to extend the number of packs produced or to take the project online to share with a wider audience.
Spread the word to your design buddies or other creatives by directing them to this page, or download the “Call For Submissions” PDF here
Our most sincere thanks goes out to the following companies that have all donated their time and materials to make this project happen:
B& F Papers, for the card and wallet stock (DCP Indigo 300gsm for the postcards and Keaycolour Original 300gsm for the wallets)
Currie Group, for their support and assistance
DCB Pacific Foiling, for gold foiling of the wallets
Inline Graphics, for the foiling blocks
Brandspired, for the design of the project logo and all the related material design.
Guillotine Ltd., for the design and supply of the cutting forme for the wallet
Contact Labels, for the diecutting of the wallets
Peak Print Finishing, for the gluing and assembly of the wallets
The Print Guys, for the conception and co-ordination of the project.
and lastly to the designers & creatives that submitted their ideas and designs.